Business Registration

Business Registration

The Mercantile Registry is the system formed by the registration, renewal and registration of companies, books, acts and documents related to industrial, commercial and service activities carried out by natural or legal persons who are engaged in trade Of which the Chambers of Commerce and Production, empowered by Law No. 3-02 on Commercial Registration, are deposited and give public faith. This law is undoubtedly an achievement that challenges us to an efficient implementation for the benefit of the development of the commercial and business community.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND PRODUCTION OF THE PROVINCE LA ALTAGRACIA, INC. Will offer third parties a profile on the most important commercial and financial data of its economic activity, which constitutes a real and effective source of information and commercial promotion that facilitates the formalities for bank loan purposes and allows to contact suppliers and buyers Both national and international.

The Law requires that every Register be carried out in the Chamber of Commerce of its Jurisdiction.

Functions of the Mercantile Registry

  • Enroll and register all documents of the companies so that they are known by any interested person from that inscription.
  • Certificar la información de las compañías depositadas en el Registro Mercantil.
  • Archiving and protecting legal documents of companies and / or natural persons.
  • To certify the Merchant’s Books of Operations Registry in accordance with Article 14, paragraph f) of Act No. 50-87, on Chambers of Commerce and Production.More

Benefits of Obtaining the Commercial Registry

  • Register your company to insert it in the new international economic order imposed by free trade agreements and globalization of markets.
  • It is an important source of information for linking suppliers, expanding trade relations at national and international levels.
  • Provides information to conduct economic studies, commercial promotion and investment in the different productive areas.
  • It facilitates the promotion and development of industrial, commercial and service activities.
  • Facilitates bank lending procedures.
  • Strengthens the quality of merchants, professionalizing their activity.